Get Started Today!

Seed Marketing Automation Machine

For Local Businesses


Help manage & analyze interactions with your clients, improving customer relationships and business performance. Grow your audience & know where new leads are coming from.

Reviews & Reputation Mgmt

Help you monitor and influence your online reputation on Google's search results and reviews & attract potential customers.

All-In-One Inbox

Manage your messages with a single inbox for Text, Email, Facebook messages, Google messages, and more.

Websites & Sales Funnels

Create unlimited Landing Pages, Funnels, Pipelines and Campaigns

Seed Marketing Starting at $97/month

YEARLY Seed Marketing Starting at $970/month

SAVE - 2 Months FREE

Business InfoGive us your Basics
Payment InformationInput your Credit Card details

We Offer a Custom Setup for you if you don't want to Do It Yourself.

  • Set up all the ZedNow Settings

  • Customize The ZedNow Snapshot

  • Set Up any new Custom Fields

  • Assistance with Social Integrations

  • Customize the Marketing Snapshot

Just Click the Seed Marketing Setup Button!

On the Payment


Get Started Today!

The Reviews & Messaging Platform For Local Businesses

Essentials Plan Starting at $97/month

Personal InfoStart the Essential Plan Today!
Location Info
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Attract potential customers with your Google & Facebook reviews by sending a quick text message.


Manage your messages with a single inbox for text, Facebook messages, Google messages, and more.

Textable Number

Get a free textable business number so your customers can easily connect with you through the CHATT app.


Grow your audience & know where new leads are coming from

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